The Wrinkly Blog
Welcome to the Wrinkly Ranch blog.
Kick your slippers off, kick back in your recliner and see what’s going on in the LTC community, what I’m up to, and share your thoughts in the process.

Improve and adapt. Don’t feel guilty.
September 14, 2022
I wanted to speak briefly on the touchy subject of guilt as it pertains to caring for a loved one. In the clinical environment, when I’m in the position of

Yeah, but honestly – did all that stuff you describe in the book really happen?!
August 31, 2022
Perhaps unsurprisingly this is among the most frequently asked questions.

Author blog post numero uno
August 17, 2022
Writing a book is always been something I’ve wanted to do.
Blog Requests
I want to cover what interests you, my readers. Let me know what you would like to see covered in the upcoming blogs!
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